Career Specialists
The Muskegon Area Intermediate School District (MAISD) Career Specialists serve local K-12 students in the following ways:
- Assisting K-12 students on their career development journey as they plan for their future careers
- Developing resources for educators to connect the classroom to the world of work
- Partnering with local businesses to provide career exploration opportunities
- Providing activities for families to engage in career development with their students
To learn more about career development efforts, and to begin the career development process with students, visit the Career Development Educator and Toolkit Hub.
Michelle Kuck–
Career Specialist, Grades K-5
- KickStart to Career Muskegon CSA
- Career Connection Projects
- Mini Career Schools
- Family Engagement Activities
- Career Fairs & Tours
- Classroom Speakers
Tricia Schuitema–
Career Specialist, Grades 6-8
Offers coaching to local school staff on career exploration, including:
- Career Clusters/Pathways
- Career Exploration Events (County and Region)
- Family Engagement
- Educational Development Plan (EDP) support through Xello including:
- Career Interest Inventories
- Career Planning
- Talent Portfolios
Stephen Pettifor–
Career Specialist, Grades 9-12
- Career Fairs, Events & Tours
- Classroom Speakers
- CTC Tours & Enrollment
- Internships/Work Placements
- EDP & Talent Portfolio Software Support
- Scholarship Opportunities