Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS)/
Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports (PBIS)

What We Do

We develop strategic systems to support the academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs of students at Tiers 1, 2, and 3 in-district and at the county level.

Who We Serve

  • Individual classroom teacher or group of classroom teachers (grade level, department, etc.)
  • Non-teacher support staff
  • School building or district administrator
  • School building or district leadership team
  • Entire school building or district

How We Can Help

  • Increased academic achievement and create a positive, trauma-sensitive climate and culture
  • Reduced exclusionary practices (suspensions, expulsions, time out of class, etc. )
  • Increased student and staff attendance
  • Increased fidelity of systems installation, data use, and implementation of evidence-based practices at Tiers 1, 2, and 3
  • Increased district capacity to support implementation

Examples of Our Services

  • We assist schools with setting up the structures necessary to:
    • Establish high-functioning leadership teams
    • Collect and analyze data for multiple purposes (comprehensive needs assessment, ongoing progress monitoring, problem-solving, etc.)
    • Implement a multi-tiered service delivery model
  • We assist schools in identifying evidence-based practices to support student needs
  • We administer assessments with district and school leadership teams such as the District Capacity Assessment (DCA), School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Tiered Fidelity Inventory (SWPBIS TFI), etc.

See how our CHAMPS Program has been Successful in Setting Foundations for Success (VIDEO)


How We Serve*

  • One-on-one consultation
  • Meeting facilitation
  • Providing/leading a training or workshop
  • Working directly with building/district leaders/leadership teams
  • Data analysis and interpretation with building/district leaders/leadership teams
  • Forming recommendations/action plans
  • Coordinating events, activities, or collaborations
  • Observing classrooms
  • Attending meetings to provide support as needed (not facilitating)
  • Planning with a teacher(s) (1-1 or grade level/content area)
  • Providing feedback
  • Advising/recommending a course of action

*Our services can often be adapted to meet your school's unique needs.

Networks Supported

  • CNA Planning
  • Curriculum Specialists
  • Special Education Directors
  • Elementary Principals
  • Secondary Principals
  • Superintendents
  • SWIS Facilitators
  • MTSS Coordinators
  • CHAMPS training
  • School-wide PBIS training
  • MTSS training

Additional resources are provided via email request.  To make a request via email, please use the HELP button above.  

Want More Information?
Please Contact:

Kiana Longnecker
School Climate & Culture Consultant

Kiana Longnecker 
School Climate and Culture Consultant 
Phone: 231-767-4373

Contact Kiana Longnecker via email

School Climate and Culture Coaches:
Contact Kristen Anderson via email
Contact Kelly Hoekenga via email