Conference Center
Conference Services
The conference center is available to MAISD staff, local school districts and community groups which conform to the mission of the MAISD. However, groups affiliated with the MAISD have scheduling priority. A nominal rental fee per room to cover building and beverage costs will be charged and collected in advance when the Facilities Use Application is completed. All outside groups will be charged a small rental fee for evenings and weekends.
The facility is capable of accommodating groups of 4 to 90 people. Meeting rooms accommodate all standard audiovisual equipment. Required equipment should be requested on a Facility Use form. Since other groups may be utilizing the same room as you prior to or following your meeting, please adhere to the agreed meeting schedule. Should your needs change, please contact the scheduling office at 231-767-7200. Every effort will be made to accommodate your requests. The MAISD reserves the right to move groups based on need.
Contact the scheduling office at 231-767-7200 to request a Facility Use application.
For more information contact: