What is MTSS?

What is Multi-Tiered System of Supports?Logo for Professional Development

The Michigan Department of Education defines a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) as:

“a comprehensive framework comprised of a collection of research-based strategies designed to meet the individual needs and assets of the whole child. MTSS intentionally interconnects the education, health, and human service systems in support of successful learners, schools, centers, and community outcomes. The five essential components [see below] of MTSS are inter-related and complementary. The MTSS framework provides schools and districts with an efficient way to organize resources to support educators in the implementation of effective practices with fidelity so that all learners succeed.”

The Five Essential Components of MTSSLogo for Help

Logo for Five Essential Components of MTSS


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Contact Information:

Kiana Longnecker
School Climate and Culture Consultant
Phone:  231-767-4373
Contact Kiana Longnecker via email

School Climate and Culture Coaches
Contact Kristen Anderson via email
Contact Kelly Hoekenga via email